I grew up holding your finger
I grew up sitting on your lap
I grew up playing frisbee with you
But still haven’t grown up enough to decide without you
You taught me to ride a bike
You taught me to be polite
You taught me to dream
You taught me to be myself
You didn’t hold me when I fell
Instead taught me how to rise
You didn’t scold me when I was wrong
Instead made me realize what I did
I may not always agree with what you say
I may not always like to be lectured
But I know what it means
To have you
To guide me
To believe in me
To take all my pranks in your stride
I don’t say I love you everyday
But in my heart it is always there
I don’t sit for long with you and talk
But in my heart I hear you always
It is your teachings, what I am today
Though I still have a long way to go
Before I become the one
You would be proud of
I have always known this
And often repeated it
"Dad, you are the best
And you have always left me inspired"
Now when Father’s day is around the corner
Just wanted to tell you how precious you are
To me
To us
And the whole family
I don’t say I love you everyday
But in my heart it is always there
I don’t sit for long with you and talk
But in my heart I hear you always
It is your teachings, what I am today
Though I still have a long way to go
Before I become the one
You would be proud of
I have always known this
And often repeated it
"Dad, you are the best
And you have always left me inspired"
Now when Father’s day is around the corner
Just wanted to tell you how precious you are
To me
To us
And the whole family
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