Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is Younger the new Better..!!

Look outside and inspiration is all around you. And these days it comes at a younger age, I guess. There used to be a time when we used to hear stories of entrepreneurs making it big in their mid 30s. But now that era is a passé. This is the age of young entrepreneurs who have hit the market with a simple idea but reaping huge profits. To start with, we have the founders of Google, whom nobody can forget. At the age of just 25, Sergey Brin & Larry Page truly showed that it is not the experience or the age that matters. What matters most is what you bring to the table. And they brought a simple idea which definitely has become a necessity these days.
They did leave everyone inspired then and even 10 years hence since google was founded, they still arouse interest. Now we have the founders of Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz & Chris Hughes) join the bandwagon, who at the age of 20 founded Facebook. Even though it is a 4 year old company, it has swept the nation with millions of users worldwide. Then ofcourse, who can forget the founders of You Tube (Steve Chen, Chad Hurley & Jawed Karim), who were in their late 20s at the time they founded the website. For those who don’t know, You Tube is a subsidiary of Google now. Doesn’t this leave you inspired enough to change the world and make a mark. Well, hold on as there is one more grand entry to this list. I might have been ignorant of lot of other start ups by young entrepreneurs but this one just caught all my attention. At the age of just 13 years, Anshul Samar has also been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug in the silicon valley and couldn’t stay away or should I be say that he surely did get inspired.
As an 8th grader in a school in Cupertino, when kids his age are just learning stuff and playing pranks, he definitely has come a long way. Only 8 – 9 months old in the business he is already familiar with the jargons of the industry. Watch his video where he is being interviewed and talks about his goals and future of Elementeo, his start up Company.
You can also go to his Company website and read more about him:
Well, I am still waiting for an idea to hit my mind and get me inspired. I surely would want to do something but yes need some direction. Inspiration is all around me which at times becomes haunting as well. But definitely, in a good way.. :-)
Keep reading & stay inspired..!!

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