Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Chamber of torture..!!

Twinkling eyes
Dreaming and making their connection
Walking feet
Dancing on the highway to heaven

Fidgety fingers
Constantly hitting on the keyboard
Riveting thoughts
Compelling the mind to create magical words

Amidst all this
Is Me
And laughing

It is the devil in me
To cause havoc with laughter
I call it the “devil’s laughter”
In this chamber of torture

Torture because you laugh till it hurts
Tears trickle down the eyes
Stomach starts aching
Gasping for breath
Simply meaning
The uncontrollable bouts of laughter

I love being Me
At times
Or sometimes
Or maybe most of the times
Because I laugh
I make fun
I get hurt
I cry

Too many emotions
But just Me
The playful Me
To battle it out when
Life gets somber
Leaving me desolated
Yet determined
To somehow conquer
And get back my laughter

I am the creator
Of my Chamber of Torture
And to get me back in action
I laugh & laugh in introspection

Yeah, this is what happens
When you miss that laugh
If you love to laugh
Live to laugh
But then I wonder
Even too much laughter
But this hurt is the most awaited
And very endurable

So I laugh
Because that is what I do best
Because they say
Laughter is the best medicine
And I let it heal
Soothe and
Exterminate the pain

So next time life becomes “the killer”
You are welcome aboard my "chamber of torture"
Ofcourse, without doubts, our laughtership will be a ROCKER

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